The Work-Life Balance Myth

Design Files
2 min readNov 16, 2020

Ever day-dreamed about the blissfulness of a balanced life ? We’ve all been caught up in the ideal that if only we had mastered that delicate relationship of work and play our lives would reach their full potential.

On the surface this ideal is natural tendency towards perusing the best life experience possible. However, as a daily experience this notion leaves us feeling depleted, unfulfilled and wistful for a fictional reality. What if we turned this attitude on its head and embraced the unpredictability of daily life ?

Like any counter culture attitude it feels unnatural to buck the system that keeps us within the safety of busy. If we are able to loosen our grip and let go there is the potential to embrace an organic and evolving appreciation for our lives as they stand.

So how do we release this ideal ? To begin letting go we need to face our lives head on and clear out the attic. Grab out the metaphorical trash bags and systematically sort through your weekly itinerary. Marie Kondo style, hold each activity, commitment or chore and reflect. Are there aspects you love that could be amplified ? Chores that could be reworked to spark more joy? Even commitments that could be let go entirely?

Fully acknowledging every aspect of life and tweaking what is within control allows us to get ahead of that hectic feeling and create a sense of rhythm. Rather than viewing a balanced life as equal parts work and downtime reflect on how balanced your emotional experience is. Are you spending enough of the day feeling content? Is there too much stress in your daily life ? This way of thinking will quickly highlight the unexpended sources of both joy and stress hidden in the folds of a busy and unpredictable routine.

A life driven by emotional responses rather than external events creates space to peruse what truly makes you whole. Prioritize what makes you proud rather than fabricating the insta worthy work-life balance of brunches and oat lattes. This shifts your internal compass to focus on your values rather than being dictated by those of society.

It’s easy to read this message and internalize it as another lofty ideal but I encourage you to really dig deep and discover your internal balance. Pursue what works for you and mindfully observe your actions and emotions always asking “how does this serve me?”. Ultimately the shininess of a work-life balance wears off behind closed doors. Create a mindset that gives you the mental breathing room to roll with the punches and apricate every unexpected moment of joy and learn from every moment of grief. Remain open and gentle with yourself and you’ll soon discover a stillness below the messy surface of life.

